It is becoming more difficult for people to ignore or deny the obvious racism that has infected our nation. This contaminant has been found in secular and sacred realms as well as private and public institutions. Anyone who describes herself or himself as being committed to justice and the common good must be willing to do […]
Pope Francis closes the door on the death penalty in ‘Fratelli Tutti’
Pope Francis’ new encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti,” does something that some Catholics believed could not be done: It ratifies a change in church teaching. In this case, on the death penalty. In 2018, Pope Francis ordered a change in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the official compendium of church teaching, when he termed the death penalty “inadmissible.” Today the […]
Michael Hartley
Michael Hartley is the President of Swing State Strategies, where he utilizes his over two decades of political, policy/issue, public relations and corporate experience to work with clients on their public affairs, policy issue and political strategy needs. Most recently, Hartley spent over four years as the Vice President of Government Relations for the Columbus […]