LaShawn Ajamu is a Canton native who has become all too familiar with the issues facing both Ohio homicide survivors and individuals wrongfully convicted. In 1997, LaShawn’s brother, James Nero, was murdered in Canton, Ohio following a minor traffic accident. When James asked for the other driver’s insurance information, the driver returned with a gun […]
Board of Directors
Jack D’Aurora
Jack D’Aurora is a business lawyer with The Behal Law Group and a contributor to The Columbus Dispatch op-ed section. Jack has written about the enormous costs of the death penalty, why judges should be appointed and not elected, human trafficking, gun policy, payday loans and other legal and social justice issues. In his law practice, Jack […]
Michael Hartley
Michael Hartley is the President of Swing State Strategies, where he utilizes his over two decades of political, policy/issue, public relations and corporate experience to work with clients on their public affairs, policy issue and political strategy needs. Most recently, Hartley spent over four years as the Vice President of Government Relations for the Columbus […]